Culture Is Karma

We (Lakeisha Poole, Mari Kemp, & Robert Gordon IV) would like to invite you to subscribe to Culture is Karma, a leadership community and podcast.

About the podcast:
We are deeply passionate about leadership and ridding the world of toxic work environments. Culture is Karma will elevate modern leadership through inspired storytelling, resources, and community.

We promise to:

  1. Not bombard you with emails. Seriously, we'll send you 3-4 emails a month (we want to make sure you're up-to-date with the most recent stories and resources);
  2. Equip, entertain and empower YOU by facilitating insightful conversations on a variety of leadership topics;
  3. Identify incredible resources for creating healthy, inclusive work cultures at scale;
  4. Tap into/highlight stories of success and failure.

Sound good? Then subscribe here: 

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